1. 在不用药的情况下,致力于解决10000人的痔疮烦恼。
2.图文详解 痔疮发病根本原因。
3.在 水果类,茶类,粥类,和运动类 给出明确的选择。
4.记录器 帮助使用者记录 运动的次数。UI界面即时显示 及时隐藏历史记录,更加保护用户隐私。
1 in the case of non medication, is committed to solving the 10000 peoples troubles.
2 graphic detailed root cause of the occurrence of hemorrhoids.
3 in fruit, tea, porridge, and sports are given a clear choice.
4 recorder to help users record the number of motion. Instant display to hide the historical record, more protection of user privacy.
5 no network interaction. Absolute safety.